Current City:
Concord, CA
Current Job? Love it or hate it?
Just started a business. Love it.
What do you miss the most about Northgate?
Ted Kingsley
A fun fact we never knew about you?
I can write a little.
Best things that have happened in the last 10 years? Or anything else you'd like to share? Married Katie Coyle; Have been able to work in baseball; Bought a house with a high Walkscore
Concord, CA
Current Job? Love it or hate it?
Just started a business. Love it.
What do you miss the most about Northgate?
Ted Kingsley
A fun fact we never knew about you?
I can write a little.
Best things that have happened in the last 10 years? Or anything else you'd like to share? Married Katie Coyle; Have been able to work in baseball; Bought a house with a high Walkscore
I'm now working for the town of Danville