Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Hubbell McNaughton

Current City:
Ouarzazate, Morocco

Current Job? Love it or hate it?
Peace Corps.- Hella love it

What do you miss the most about Northgate?
The 4 minutes between classes, little plastic cups of orange juice, sausage broncos, parking in the teachers lot all year, Frank, and watching Dan Grill shake the candy machine until something fell down because he's too cheap to pay 75 cents.

A fun fact we never knew about you?
I can stand on my head and chug a beer while juggling 4 babies with my feet all while ordering a burger from Evies Hamburgers.

Best things that have happened in the last 10 years? Or anything else you'd like to share?
Traveling around the world and letting god lead the way, and when I say god I really mean weed.

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