Sunday, November 18, 2012

Jess (Sepulveda) Steele

Starting with our out-of-towners that most likely won't be making it to the reunion...first up is Jess Sepulveda, now Jess Steele:

Current city:
Port Talbot, UK

Current job? Love it or hate it?
Teaching ESL at a local Bible College to Korean students-- love it (for the most part!).

What do you miss most about Northgate?
The "Raw-hide" song before the tardy bell (not really!)

A fun fact we never knew about you?
I always thought I was born in the wrong place-- I'd much rather have lived in the South or the UK (perhaps just for the cool accents). Now I've got a well-messed-up accent with a bit of Southern and British, but of course always Californian at the heart of it.

Best things that have happened in the last 10 years? Or anything else you'd like to share?  
Seeking after God in college and deciding to follow Christ is definitely #1. He has transformed my life from here into eternity. Being married to my husband Tim and learning to live life together has also been amazingly fun and hard work, like all the best things in life. The next great adventure is welcoming our first child into the world come next spring!  

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